Sale of Teruel Ham with Denomination of Origin. Certified hams with seal and seal of guarantee. We offer this ham in different formats. Whole leg ham, cubes and sliced by knife and machine.


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Sliced Teruel Ham

Price €4.54
80 gr

Piece Teruel Ham DO

Price €32.17
1.000 gr

Teruel Ham Leg

Price €145.00
8.000 gr

Teruel Shoulder Ham

Price €75.45
4,9 kg

Ham from Teruel with designation of origin.

The designation of origin "Jamón de Teruel" was created on 24 October 1984. The designation of origin groups together all ham producers located in municipalities at an altitude of over 800 metres and who wish to produce a ham with the minimum requirements demanded by the Jamón de Teruel Designation of Origin.

Teruel ham was the first Serrano ham with its own Denomination of Origin in Spain. It is the first certified ham, even ahead of the Iberian ham designations of origin. This designation guarantees excellent quality and exclusivity, as its production, processing and preparation are carried out in a specific geographical area, in this case Teruel, with specific, recognised and proven know-how.

Therefore, in March 1997, Teruel ham was included in the list of European quality products. In fact, DO Teruel ham is considered to be the best Serrano ham.

Characteristics of Teruel ham

In order to know how to identify a PDO Teruel ham, we must take into account the different characteristics of this type of cured ham.

The main characteristics of Teruel ham are as follows:

  1. A minimum curing period of at least 14 months, although all the Teruel hams that you will find in Gastronomic Spain have a minimum curing period of 18 months.
  2. a minimum weight of at least 7 kg. Bear in mind that the hams.
  3. It has a low salt content, due to the way it is cured in the stacking process.
  4. Cured at an altitude of at least 800 metres. The hams and shoulders that you will find in our online shop come from Jamones Carbó in the region of Calamocha and Jamones Don Jate in the region of Teruel. Both are located in the province of Teruel.
  5. The Teruel ham is characterised by its elongated shape, rounded at the ends and preserving the hoof. It has a red colour, with streaked fat in some areas. It has a bright colour when cut.
  6. Its flavour is pleasant to the palate, not very salty and with a delicate taste. The fat is unctuous to the touch, with a bright white and yellowish colour, an aromatic flavour and very pleasant to the taste.
  7. It is marked with the distinctive star, with the distinctive white seal certifying the designation of origin. It can be found with the whole rind or in a 'V' cut.
  8. The hams and shoulders of Teruel ham come from selected pigs of the following breeds: duroc, landrace, largue white or a cross between the two.

Which Teruel ham to buy?

Here we are going to show you the different formats of Teruel ham that you can find in the Gastronomic Spain online shop.

Whole Leg of Teruel ham

Do you dream of having a leg of ham in your kitchen? Buy the Teruel ham leg at Gastronomic Spain and your dreams will come true. Forget about complications, shipping and transport. Buy Teruel ham in our online shop will be easy and simple, as well as economical.

Ham from Teruel sliced and cut by knife

If you are one of those who do not have time or are too lazy to cut the ham leg from the ham stand, sliced Teruel ham will be the perfect choice. You can also enjoy the knife-sliced Teruel ham format, for those who are more selective. Both formats are a good choice because both come from the best Teruel ham on the market.

Teruel ham in piece

Finally, you can also enjoy the best Teruel ham in piece. The maza format is where the leg has more meat. It is the main part of the ham, the richest and juiciest, which contains the most lean meat. Enjoy a single piece of boneless Teruel ham.

Paleta de Teruel DOP

An excellent PDO Teruel shoulder ham weighing 5 kg and cured for a minimum of 10 months. It comes in whole leg, with hoof and certified.

How do I know that I am going to buy a Teruel ham?

When buying a Teruel ham you have to take into account the following aspects: Vitola - White label: Just like the Iberian bait hams, Teruel ham has a seal just below the hoof. The mark of the denomination of origin appears on it.

Estrella Marcada a fuego: all Teruel hams are branded with the Mudejar star typical of the province. It should be noted that this mark is made when the animal is no longer alive. It is located on the part of the skin near the shank.

Traceability number: All Teruel hams are numbered with a personal code. Pig's hoof: One of the characteristics of Teruel hams is that they retain the pig's white hoof, as hams produced in Teruel, without designation of origin, cannot have the hoof.

In order to create a greater differentiation of the Teruel ham and to highlight the value of the curing process.

Jamón de Teruel - Teruel ham

This new certification will include both Teruel ham and Paleta de Teruel. The ham dryers are not obliged to integrate them and apply for them. Below we are going to explain the new labels that will come into force in June.

Certifications Teruel Ham:

  • Blue label: this indicates that the Teruel ham has been cured for a minimum of 14 months and weighs at least 7 kg. These are the minimum requirements for a Teruel ham to have the designation of origin. The seal is blue.
  • Red label: this new certification indicates that in addition to being a Teruel ham with the DO, the minimum curing period for this ham is 18 months and its minimum weight is 8 kg. The seal of this ham is red and the minimum weight and curing period are indicated.
  • Black Label: this is the highest certification for Teruel ham, indicating that the ham has a minimum weight of 9 kg and a minimum curing period of 22 months. The seal is black. These new certifications are not compulsory and indicate a minimum, which does not mean that a Teruel ham with this label cannot weigh 9 kg and be cured for 24 months. The typical white certification will remain in force and will be considered as a generic certification that encompasses all.

Paleta de Teruel certifications:

  • Blue label: this indicates that the paleta de Teruel has been cured for a minimum of 9 months and weighs at least 4.5 kg. These are the minimum requirements for a Teruel shoulder ham to have the designation of origin. The seal is blue and indicates the established minimum weight and curing period.
  • Red label: this new certification indicates that in addition to being a Teruel PDO shoulder ham, the minimum curing period for this ham is 10 months and its minimum weight is 5 kg. The seal of this shoulder ham is red.
  • Black Label: as with the ham, this is the highest certification for a Teruel PDO shoulder, indicating that the shoulder has a minimum weight of 5.5 kg and a minimum curing period of 11 months. The seal is black.

As with Teruel PDO ham, so with TERUEL PDO shoulders. These new certifications are not compulsory and indicate a minimum, so this does not mean that a shoulder from Teruel with a white label cannot weigh 5.5 kg and be cured for a minimum of 11 months. The typical white certification will remain in force and will be considered as a generic certification that encompasses all.

What is the price of a Teruel ham?

Teruel ham, known for its incomparable flavour and superior quality, is a product appreciated worldwide. Depending on the type and presentation, prices can vary considerably.

For example, a leg of Teruel ham can cost around €150, reflecting its traditional production and slow maturation. If a smaller option is preferred, a shoulder of ham is generally in the €70 range.

Where to buy jamón de Teruel?

If you are thinking of buying jamón de Teruel DOP online, keep in mind that, the JAMÓN DE TERUEL offered at Gastronomic Spain is top quality and is at a more than incredible price. It arrives at your home, directly from the facilities in Teruel. A real luxury for those Spanish people who live outside Spain.

We know the product first hand and we work with the ham dryers of Teruel, which produce the best hams and shoulders with Denomination of Origin. We offer you hams and shoulders from Teruel in different formats, both in ham leg, ham block and sliced by machine and knife.

You also have free shipping throughout Europe for orders over 79,99€ or 89,99€. You can also complete your order with other of our 1,500 Spanish products.

Teruel ham brands from our shop

Teruel hams are certified by the Denominación de Origen Jamón de Teruel. The only designation of origin that certifies Serrano ham. The brand is a distinctive mark similar to the one used to certify Iberian hams, a white label with the seal of Jamón de Teruel.

It could be said that Teruel ham is a renowned brand of Serrano ham. The producers of Teruel ham are small family businesses, with a production that generally does not exceed 150,000 pieces per dryer. At Gastronomic Spain we work with Jamones Carbó and Don Jate, two family companies that produce this product with meticulous care and affection.

What to accompany Teruel ham with?