Pork Shoulder, same quality as cured ham

We are all connoisseurs of cured ham and we ignore the pork shoulder, but it is important to know that the pork shoulder is the generic name of the product that is obtained from the front legs of the pig. While the cured ham is obtained from the hind legs.

But later we will focus on differentiating the ham shoulder. Next we will focus on the pork shoulder, its characteristics and its peculiarities. If you want to buy pork shoulder, you can see our entire catalog here.

What is the Pork Shoulder?

As we have mentioned before, the pork shoulder is obtained from the front legs of the pig, salted raw and cured naturally.

The pork shoulder is usually very aromatic and with a slightly sweet flavor. A pleasure of sensations for our taste senses.

Could you tell me the types of pork shoulders that we can find in the current market? Do not worry, because Gastronomic Spain, below, will make you a classification of the two types of cured shoulder: Iberian shoulder and Serrano shoulder.

buy Pork Shoulder online in Gastronomic Spain

Iberian shoulder

The Iberian shoulder is the one that comes from the Iberian pig. The Iberian pig breed is the pig breed that produces the highest quality hams, shoulders and sausages on the market. This Iberian breed is the best adapted to the pastures and, therefore, they have a greater capacity to obtain fat than the rest.

Among the Iberian pig breed we can find different crosses of this pig, so it results in a higher or lower% according to its characteristics. Next, we will differentiate the different types of Iberian shoulders that exist according to their labels.

Iberian bait shoulder

The Iberian bait shoulder comes from the Iberian pig fed on cereals, legumes, herbs and feed. In addition, this type of pig breed is raised deprived of freedom.

The Iberian bait shoulder of a breed of 50% Iberian and has a cure of 12 months.

Field bait or top dressing paddle

Like the field bait ham, the field bait or bait shoulder comes from Iberian pigs with a mixed diet of cereal and natural feed. But unlike the Iberian bait shoulder, these pigs have been raised semi-extensively. That means the pigs have been raised in the wild.

The field bait or recebo shoulder comes from a 50% or 75% Iberian breed and has a minimum cure of 12 months. In some cases we can find 100% Iberian field bait shoulder.

Acorn-fed shoulder or acorn-fed Iberian shoulder

The acorn-fed shoulder, or also known as acorn-fed Iberian shoulder, is obtained from pigs that live completely in freedom and are fed on natural pastures and acorn.

The acorn shoulder comes from a 50% or 75% Iberian breed, while its curing period lasts 16 months, unlike the field bait shoulder, which is 12.

iberico ham shoulder

Pata Negra shoulder

The Pata Negra shoulder comes from purebred Iberian pigs, that is, 100% Iberian pigs, fed on natural pastures and acorns and free habitat. The greasiest and most exquisite of all.

Serrano shoulder

Unlike the Iberian shoulder, the Serrano shoulder comes from white pigs, normally raised and fed on feed rich in cereals. The best known white pig breeds are the Duroc and Landrade.

The mountain shoulder is subjected to a traditional and natural salting and drying process that provides a soft and pleasant aroma. While according to the curing time, they are classified as winery serrano shoulders (6-8 months of curing) and reserve serrano shoulders (with more than 12 months of curing).

Among the most outstanding Serrano shoulders we can find names such as Teruel Ham and Trévelez Ham, which make excellent white pork shoulders.

Differences between ham and shoulder

Many of you know that there is ham and shoulder, but what is the difference between ham and cured pork shoulder?

Basically the main difference is in the pig’s feet. The ham is obtained from the pig’s feet, while the shoulders correspond to the animal’s front feet. For this same reason, the size of the shoulders are much smaller than the hams. This results in the weight of each product, being less that of the pork shoulders.

Another of the most important aspects in the amount of fat found in the shoulder and the ham. The shoulder meat is fatter, therefore it is tastier, but it shows less contrast of flavors since, being smaller, its curing process is less.

In terms of performance, the ham is greater than that of the shoulder. As a general rule, in a ham, 30% of the weight corresponds to the ham bone, while in the case of the cured shoulder shoulder it corresponds to 40% of the total weight of the product.

Finally, we want to emphasize that the price cannot be compared since everything depends on the quality. There may be more expensive shoulders than certain hams, it all depends on the quality, the breed of pig and its curing process.

Where can I buy a pork shoulder?

Now that you are an expert in differentiating palettes, you just need to buy it, and Gastronomic Spain is here to serve you. In addition to finding shoulders according to the breed of pig or the% of Iberian breed from which it comes, you can also find different formats. If you are thinking of buying a pork shoulder, Gastronomic Spain is your store for cheap hams in Europe.

Within the Iberian shoulders we find:

Sliced Acorn-fed Iberian Shoulder:
Our sliced acorn-fed Iberian shoulder is cured for more than 12 months and comes from 75% Iberian pigs. It comes from pigs from the dehesa de Andujar. It comes in a 50 gr format.

Semi-Boneless Iberian Shoulder
The semi-boneless Iberian shoulder is ideal for those who want to cut the shoulder on a ham holder, but without the complications that it entails. It is a vacuum packed pallet to which the scapula has been removed, which facilitates cutting.

Guijuelo Iberian Shoulder Knife Cut
The Guijuelo Iberian shoulder cut with a knife, is presented on a plate, each slice of ham cut with a knife is perfectly placed. It is vacuum packed and comes in 80 gr format. It is a delicious Spanish product, ideal to offer to your visitors. It comes from Iberian fattening pigs, with a cure of 12 months, which have been fed with natural feed.

Acorn Guijuelo Shoulder Cut By Knife
The Guijuelo acorn-fed shoulder, cut with a knife, is ideal for those who want to eat good ham, but without complicating their lives. Like the others, it is presented in a round plate with 80 gr. of a delicious Iberian shoulder, vacuum packed.

guijuelo shoulder

Acorn-fed Iberian Shoulder Guijuelo Sliced
Our machine-sliced Guijuelo acorn-fed Iberian shoulder, comes in a 100 gr format. vacuum packed. It comes from Iberian pigs of the 5th% breed that have lived in freedom and have fed on natural pastures and acorns. Ideal for aperitifs, lunches and breakfast.

Boneless Acorn Shoulder
The boneless acorn shoulder is an ideal type of ham for those who want to eat a good ham every day. It is a 100% usable shoulder, that is one of the main advantages, since you can cut it with a cold meat slicer or with a knife on a board. You can also cut ham to your liking, thick or thin ham cubes, slices or minced ham.

Boneless Iberian Shoulder
The boneless Iberian shoulder has a weight of about 4.5 kg. approximately. An Iberian bait shoulder, with a 50% Iberian breed. Like the boneless acorn shoulder, it is perfect for those who eat a lot of ham a week and use it both for eating dry and for cooking and stewing.

Recebo Iberian Shoulder
Our Iberian shoulder of recebo is ideal, it comes from Iberian pigs of 75% or 100% breed. It weighs 4.5 kg and has an exquisite flavor. It is a ham shoulder to cut in a ham holder.

Acorn-fed Iberian Shoulder
The acorn-fed Iberian shoulder has a weight of 4.5 kg and is obtained from Iberian pigs that have been fed on natural pastures and acorn with a 50% breed. This great if you like to cut ham with a knife

Pata Negra shoulder
The Pata Negra shoulder is the best shoulder that we can offer you. A 100% Iberian breed shoulder, weighing 4.5 kg. The black leg shoulder comes from Iberian pigs that have been fed on acorns and natural grasses and have lived in freedom.

While in the category of Serrano shoulders we differentiate:

Serrana Gran Reserva Shoulder
The Serrana Gran Reserva shoulder, comes from the soft pig, has a weight of about 5.5 kg and is cured for more than 9 months.

Serrana Reserve Shoulder
The reserve Serrano shoulder comes in whole leg .. Ideal if you like to eat ham for breakfast or at any time of the day.

Check our website and our extensive catalog of shoulders and hams. Gastronomic Spain has the promotion of FREE shipping throughout Europe, don’t worry about a thing.

You just eat and enjoy!

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