Discover how to open a ham the right way

The art of knowing how to open a ham is a skill that every lover of Spanish gastronomy should master.

Not only does it ensure that you enjoy a ham in all its splendour, but it also allows you to get the most out of each slice.

That is why, in this article, we will explain in detail how to open a ham, whether for a special event or simply to enjoy at home.

Understanding the importance of open a ham correctly

Ham, especially if we are talking about an Serrano or Iberian ham, is one of the star products of Spanish gastronomy.

But behind each piece there is a rich history, a careful breeding of the pig, a meticulous curing process and, of course, the art of slicing.

This is where understanding how to open a ham correctly is of paramount importance.

  • Preserving flavour and texture: Ham has a specific distribution of fat and meat. If opened incorrectly, we could alter its flavour and texture. By cutting it properly, we ensure that each slice has the right proportion of meat and fat, which translates into an unequalled taste experience.
  • Making the most of the product: A correct slicing technique allows us to make the most of each piece of ham. This is especially important if we consider that it is a gourmet product that, in many cases, can be expensive. Proper slicing is not only a matter of respect for the product, but also a way of being economical.
  • Safety: Knowing how to open a ham correctly is also about safety. A bad cut could result in injuries, especially if the right tools are not used or if it is done in a hurry.
  • Presentation and aesthetics: If you are going to offer the ham at a meeting, event or celebration, presentation is essential. A well-sliced ham looks more appetising and has a more professional presentation. Uniform slices, well arranged on a plate, speak of the care and attention to detail that has gone into its preparation.
  • Tradition and respect: Finally, opening a ham correctly is a way of paying homage to an age-old tradition. Spain’s ham culture is rich and diverse, and knowing how to cut a ham is a skill that has been passed down from generation to generation. By doing it right, we are showing respect for this heritage and ensuring that the tradition is kept alive and enjoyed as it deserves to be.

Discover how to open a ham the right way

Where to open a ham?

When faced with an impressive piece of ham, it is normal to wonder where to open a ham. This is one of the crucial questions to guarantee a perfect cut and to enjoy its flavour and texture to the maximum.

Below, we are going to detail the most important aspects to consider in order to start cutting the ham properly, whether it is a iberico or Serrano  ham.

Ham zones and their anatomy

Before starting, it is essential to become familiar with the different zones of the ham:

  1. Maza: This is the meatiest and juiciest part of the ham. It has a rounded shape and is the area with the most meat.
  2. Contramaza: Located on the opposite side of the ham to the maza, it is less juicy but still a tasty part of the ham.
  3. Stifle: This is the narrowest part and has less fat, which makes it drier but still delicious.
  4. Tip: The part furthest from the hoof. It has less meat, but is very tasty.
  5. Shank: The part close to the hoof, with meat intermingled between the tendons, it is tasty but requires a precise cut.

First cuts in the pork leg

Traditionally, most people start with the mace because of its juiciness and quantity of meat.

However, if you are not going to consume the ham quickly, you might consider starting with the stifle. As it is a drier part, it keeps better once opened.

The first cuts would be:

  1. Remove the rind and the outer layer: Before getting to the meat, it is necessary to remove the rind and the outer layer of fat that has protected the ham during the curing process. These first cuts are made with a small, pointed knife.
  2. Determine where to start: Once the outer layer has been removed in the area you have decided to start (maza or babilla), you can begin to cut the first slices with a ham knife.

Considerations on the position of the ham

Although the decision on how to open a ham hoof up or down is largely a personal one, it is true that having the hoof up can facilitate the cut in the maza and allow better access to the different areas of the ham.

Depth of cut

It is essential not to cut too deep at the beginning. The idea is to progress gradually, ensuring thin, even slices. A cut that is too deep at the beginning can complicate the process later on.

Tools needed to open ham at home

Enjoying a good ham at home is one of the great gastronomic pleasures that we can offer to family and friends.

However, to achieve precise and safe cuts, it is essential to have the right tools.

Here are the essential tools that will help you to open ham at home like a true professional.

  • Ham knife: This is a long, flexible and thin knife, specially designed to cut ham into thin slices. The design of the ham knives allows them to follow the contour of the ham, achieving uniform and precise cuts. As it is flexible, it adapts to the curvatures of the piece.
  • Pointed knife: This is a smaller knife with a pointed tip. It is mainly used to make the initial cuts in the ham, to remove the rind and outer fat, and to cut around the bones.
  • Chaira or sharpener: A steel bar (sometimes diamond-coated) used to keep knives sharp. Before starting and during the cutting process, it is useful to pass the ham knife through the sharpening steel to ensure that it is well sharpened and to make clean cuts.
  • Support or ham holder: This is a structure designed to hold the ham firmly while it is being cut. It ensures that the ham remains stable, making it easier to cut and avoiding possible accidents. A professional ham holder is essential for safe and accurate slicing.
  • Cutting gloves: These are gloves made of cut-resistant materials, such as Kevlar or special synthetic fibres. They protect the hand holding the ham from possible accidental cuts, offering greater safety during the process.

Steps to open the ham

Now that you know the importance and the tools, it is time to delve into how to open the ham:

  1. Position the ham

To begin with, it is essential to prepare the work area. Find a large, stable surface and make sure everything is clean, creating a hygienic environment.

Once the space is prepared, place the stand or ham holder on the surface. It is vital that the ham holder is firm and does not move, as this will ensure safety during slicing.

Decide how you will place the ham, either hoof up or down, depending on the area you want to start with, and adjust it correctly on the stand.

  1. Make the first cut

Once the ham is fixed, it’s time to make the first cuts. With the pointed knife, remove the rind and outer fat from the area you are going to cut, whether it is the mace or the stifle.

This will allow you to access the fresh, juicy meat underneath. Make small incisions around the bones, making subsequent cuts easier.

  1. Start with the mace

With the area prepared, take the ham knife and begin the actual slicing process. The slices should be thin and uniform, and always parallel to the bone.

Look for a balance in each slice between fat and meat, as it is this combination that gives the ham its unique flavour.

  1. Continue towards the stifle

As you progress through the cut and finish an area, such as the maza, you can choose to turn the ham and continue on to the contramaza or babilla, or vice versa if you started with the babilla.

When you reach the central bone or femur, and having made the most of the meat around it, you can use the pointed knife to remove this bone, making it easier to cut the adjacent areas such as the shank.

The shank and tip areas are somewhat more complicated due to the presence of tendons. Here, the pointed knife is your best ally, allowing you to work with precision and make the most of every part of the ham.

  1. Properly store what you do not consume

If you decide to take breaks in the process and not finish the ham in one go, remember to protect it.

Cover the already cut area with the fat you removed at the beginning. This simple trick will protect the meat from oxidation and keep its flavour and freshness intact.

Additionally, cover the ham with a clean cloth or cling film to further protect it from the environment.

Tips for enjoying a well-opened ham

A properly opened ham is not only a delight for the palate, but also a real gastronomic work of art.

Enjoying a properly sliced ham enhances its flavour, aroma and texture. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this experience:

  • Ambience is key: Ham unfolds its aromas and flavours best at room temperature. If you have your ham stored in a cool place, take it out a couple of hours before eating it. The ideal temperature is between 20 and 24 degrees centigrade.
  • The perfect slice: The slices should be thin, almost translucent. This allows the ham to melt slightly in the mouth, releasing all its nuances. It is advisable to eat the ham just after slicing, as contact with air can alter its flavour and properties.
  • Winning combinations: Ham is enjoyed at its best when combined with products that respect and enhance its flavour. Good bread with tomato and a little extra virgin olive oil can be the perfect accompaniment. As for drinks, a young red wine, a cava or a fino de Jerez are excellent options for pairing with ham.
  • Hygiene first and foremost: Make sure your hands are clean when slicing and handling the ham. Use gloves if necessary. Also, remember to clean and dry your knives well between uses to avoid contamination and maintain the purity of flavour.
  • Storage: If you are not going to consume the ham in one sitting, it is crucial to store it properly. Cover the cut surface with a few slices of the same fat as the ham. This will keep the meat fresh and protected from oxidation. If you prefer, you can also cover it with a clean cotton cloth, which will allow the ham to breathe.
  • Avoid very strong accompaniments: Foods with very intense or spicy flavours can overshadow the flavour of the ham. If you want to fully enjoy its flavour, avoid combining it in the same tasting with foods that may overshadow its prominence.
  • Give it time: As with any other delicacy, take your time to savour each slice. Ham has a very rich palette of flavours and aromas, and tasting it slowly will allow you to appreciate each of its nuances.

By following these tips, you will not only learn how to open a ham properly, but also how to enjoy it at its best.

Enjoy it!

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