Cross me off as interested, but I don’t even want to imagine a Christmas without gifts. Don’t make that face, I’m totally sure you think like me. In addition, something will have to be done between so many feasts and continuous snacking of nougat and sweets.

By residing abroad and having our family, friends and land very far from us, our letter to the Three Wise Men is very different from that of the rest of the Spanish. The gift we look forward to the most is being able to get together during the holidays. If then they send you by surprise some good products from Gastronomic Spain such as a Valencian paella, a good vermouth kit or some good dishes over low heat, then you will not deny that you have been excited.


It will sound corny and everything you want, but you have to live outside to understand what I’m talking about. We need to be with the people we love, sit at the table all together, live (for a few days) as if nothing has changed and discuss with your parents, brothers and uncles as you have always done (even if it is the last thing you want to do and then you regret).

We want a Christmas with gifts, but not material gifts. When we were more “children” we loved all kinds of gifts as long as they were material, but over the years one begins to value the gesture behind the gift more than the gift itself.

The intention is what counts, that is clear. That’s why whenever they ask me what I want for this Christmas, I always context that I don’t need anything, and it’s true. I know that whatever you give me I will like because it comes from you, even if they are those typical sweaters that itch to the point of rage (except for the ones that my mother-in-law gives me, which are comfortable as well as beautiful).

Anyway I am one of those who thinks that the illusion that you are going to put in a gift that you do not know if he will like it or not, you put it in keeping in touch with that person. Giving away promises that we will keep in touch, a surprise visit, a call that begins with how are you? Or do I miss you? Those are the gifts that I am going to ask for in my letter to the Three Wise Men. #WeLikeOur

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