The best melon and ham recipes

Melon with ham is a famous combination that has delighted palates for decades. The recipe has its roots in Spain, and has become a classic and elegant blend.

The fresh sweetness of the melon combines perfectly with the salty richness of the ham, creating a flavour blend that is both unique and delicious.

Traditional melon and ham recipe

Melon with ham is one of the most beloved combinations in Spanish gastronomy. This blend of refreshing and savoury flavours has been a table favourite for generations.

In the traditional recipe, simplicity is the key, allowing the high-quality ingredients to shine on their own.

Here’s how to make this delicious dish, detailing the ingredients and steps to follow, as well as some modern variations that will have you enjoying melon and ham in a whole new way.

The best melon and ham recipes

Ingredients for melon and ham melon

The beauty of the melon and ham recipe lies in its simplicity and the quality of its ingredients. Here we explain in detail what you need:

  • Ripe melon: Look for a melon that is at its optimum ripeness. It should be juicy and sweet, and you can choose between different varieties according to your preferences. The texture and flavour of the melon will be fundamental in the final dish.
  • Serrano ham or Iberian ham: These are the two types of ham commonly used in this recipe. Serrano ham has a salty taste and is easy to find. Iberico ham, on the other hand, offers a deeper flavour and is considered a more premium option. Either choice will perfectly complement the sweetness of the melon.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (optional): Although not a mandatory ingredient, a drizzle of good olive oil can enhance the flavours and add a touch of richness to the dish.
  • Salt and pepper to taste: Some people prefer to add a pinch of salt and pepper to bring out the flavours. This is completely optional and can be adjusted to suit your personal taste.

Careful selection of these ingredients, making sure they are fresh and of high quality, will ensure that your melon with ham is a success.

The combination of sweet and savoury flavours, together with the smooth texture of the melon and the richness of the ham, will create a truly memorable culinary experience.

The simplicity of the ingredients allows each one to shine, creating a harmony of flavours that is characteristic of this traditional Spanish recipe.

Which ham to choose?

The choice of ham is crucial in the melon with ham recipe, as this ingredient provides the salty flavour and texture that complements the sweetness of the melon.

Here we explain the options:

  • Serrano ham: Serrano ham is a common and versatile choice for this recipe. Produced primarily in Spain, this cured ham has a salty flavour and firm texture that pairs beautifully with melon. It’s a more affordable and accessible option, perfect for a delicious dish without breaking the budget.
  • Jamón ibérico: If you’re looking to take your dish to the next level, jamón ibérico may be the ideal choice. This ham is produced from acorn-fed Iberian pigs, which gives it a deeper, more complex flavour. It has a smoother texture and richer flavour than Serrano ham. It is considered a gourmet product and, although more expensive, its exceptional taste can make melon with ham a truly luxurious culinary experience.

Ultimately, the choice between jamón serrano and jamón ibérico will depend on your personal preferences and your budget. Both options offer a delicious flavour that enhances the melon and creates a balanced and appealing dish.

Melon with ham step-by-step

Melon with ham is a simple yet elegant dish that can impress your guests. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating this delicious appetizer:

  1. Cutting the melon: First, select a ripe, juicy melon. Then, cut the melon in half and remove the seeds with a spoon. You can cut it into slices or cubes, depending on your preference and how you want to present it. Make sure the melon pieces are large enough to wrap the ham around.
  2. Cut the ham: Choose between Serrano ham or Iberian ham and cut it into thin strips. The amount of ham depends on how much you want to wrap around each piece of melon. It is best to cut the ham into thin strips so that it is easy to bite into and does not overwhelm the flavour of the melon.
  3. Combine: Taking a strip of ham, gently wrap it around a piece of melon. Repeat this process until all pieces are wrapped. You can use a toothpick to secure the ham in place if necessary.
  4. Plating: Arrange the melon and ham on a plate in an attractive manner. If desired, you can add a little extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. This can enhance the flavours and add an extra touch of elegance.
  5. Serving: Melon with ham is best served immediately to enjoy the freshness of the melon and the texture of the ham. It can be served as an appetizer or as part of a multi-course dinner.

Calories in melon and ham

Melon with ham is a dish that not only delights the palate but can also be a relatively low-calorie option, especially if you are careful about portions and choice of ham.

Here’s more about the calories in this delicious dish:

  • Melon: Melon is a low-calorie, water-rich fruit. Typically, 100 grams of melon contains about 30-35 calories. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and adds sweetness to the dish without a large amount of calories.
  • Serrano ham: This type of ham has approximately 150-250 calories per 100 grams. Its calorie content can vary depending on the fat content and the way it has been cured.
  • Iberian ham: Considered a richer and more luxurious option, Iberian ham usually has a similar or slightly higher calorie content than Serrano ham, depending on its quality and the diet of the pig it comes from.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: If you decide to add olive oil, bear in mind that 1 tablespoon contains around 120 calories. Although it is a healthy source of fat, its moderate use can keep the dish within a reasonable calorie range.

Therefore, a melon and ham dish can vary in calories depending on the type and amount of ham, the size of the melon portions and any additional toppings used.

For those interested in melon and ham for weight loss or dining on melon and ham as a lighter option, it is possible to adjust the amount of ham and olive oil to further reduce calories without sacrificing flavour.

The combination of the refreshing sweetness of the melon with the salty and satisfying flavour of the ham makes this dish a delicious option that can be adapted to a variety of dietary needs.

How to present melon with ham?

The presentation of melon and ham melon can be as varied and creative as you like.

Here are some ideas for presenting this dish in an elegant and original way, including the option of using skewers:

  • Traditionally on a plate: You can arrange the melon with ham on a plate, alternating strips of ham with slices or cubes of melon. Adding a few leaves of fresh mint or basil can add an extra touch of colour and flavour.
  • Melon and ham skewers: This is an original presentation of melon and ham that adds a fun and festive touch. Simply thread the melon and ham on skewers, alternating as desired. The skewers are easy to handle and can be an excellent choice for parties and get-togethers.
  • In glasses or cups: For a more elegant presentation, you can serve the melon and ham in individual glasses or cups. This can make each portion feel special and allows for a more controlled presentation.
  • As an appetizer or tapa: If you are looking for a more informal presentation, you can serve the melon with ham in small bites as appetizers or tapas. This allows diners to take small portions and enjoy the dish in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Additional garnish: The addition of fresh herbs, a pinch of ground black pepper or a drizzle of olive oil can elevate the presentation and add complexity to the flavour.

Other melon and ham starter recipes

Melon and ham is a versatile dish that can be adapted and reinvented in many ways.

Here are some alternative recipes that offer new twists and flavours to this classic:

Melon soup with ham

Melon soup with ham is a refreshing and elegant version that combines traditional flavours in a unique way.

  1. Prepare the melon: Grind the melon in a blender to a smooth consistency.
  2. Add ingredients: Add a little cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Chill: Refrigerate the mixture until well chilled.
  4. Prepare ham: Cut ham into small pieces and fry until crispy.
  5. Serve: Pour the soup into bowls and add the crispy ham on top.

Cream of melon soup with ham

This recipe offers a richer, creamier texture, perfect as a starter or light dish.

  1. Cook melon: Cook melon in stock until tender and mash.
  2. Add creaminess: Stir in cream and season to taste.
  3. Serve with ham: Serve warm with strips of ham on top.

Melon salad with ham

A healthy and refreshing option, this salad is perfect for a light lunch or summer dinner.

  1. Combine ingredients: Mix melon, ham, greens and other fresh ingredients such as feta cheese or walnuts.
  2. Add dressing: Drizzle with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.
  3. Serve cold: Serve the salad chilled as a main dish or side dish.

Melon gazpacho with ham

This gazpacho adds a Spanish twist to melon with ham, transforming it into a vibrant cold soup.

  1. Mix ingredients: Combine melon with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, olive oil, vinegar and season to taste.
  2. Refrigerate: Refrigerate until well chilled.
  3. Add ham: Serve in bowls with chunks of ham and crusty bread.

Iberian ham tartar with melon soup

This is a gourmet option that combines the texture of Iberian ham tartar with the delicacy of melon soup.

  1. Prepare the tartar: Chop the Iberian ham and combine with onion, capers and olive oil.
  2. Make the melon soup: Mash the melon with a little lemon juice and season to taste.
  3. Serve together: Place the tartar on a plate and surround with the melon soup.

In short, melon with ham is a versatile and delicious dish that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

From the traditional recipe to more modern variations such as melon and ham gazpacho, there is something for every taste and occasion.

Dare to experiment with these recipes and enjoy the unrivalled taste of melon with ham in your meals!

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