The most important benefits provided by nuts

We are sure that nuts are highly beneficial for our organism. They not only provide energy for sportspeople, but they can also help us beat and avoid health problems such as diabetes, overweight and bone problems.

In addition to being beneficial, nuts are delicious. There are many types and varieties that we will see during this article.

Are you ready?

buy nuts online Gastronomic Spain

Nuts are always present

In Spanish they are called fruto seco (dry fruit). Fruto (fruit) comes from the Latin term fructus, which refers to certain plants which shelter and protect seeds. Whereas the adjective seco (dry) implies that the fruit does not have liquids.

Then, nuts are those who do not have juice. Their shells are very tough, and they have a water percentage of less than 50%. In spite of their low content in water and carbohydrates, they are rich in proteins and fats.

Properties and benefits of nuts

Nuts have a very high content in proteins and fats, as well as in B vitamins.

It is true that this snacks are considered to be very caloric, but we must know how to optimize their consumption as what they provide can be very positive for our organism.

We will show below the properties and benefits of nuts:

They are a source of minerals. They provide magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, iron, and trace elements such as zinc and selenium, with antioxidant properties.

Great vitamin content. Nuts are rich in vitamins such as B1 or B3. Moreover, they also constitute one of the vegetal sources with a higher amount of vitamin E.

Rich in healthy fats. Nuts are considered to have cardiovascular properties because they have a high content in monosaturated fats, Omega 3, and Omega 6. These are essential acids to our organism.

They provide vegetal protein. Thanks to the content of this vegetal protein nuts are the perfect food, in moderate amounts, in order to work out after eating.

Rich in fibre.  Nuts help us control appetite and regulate intestinal transit. Moreover, they are considered to be protective products, as they help reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol, as well as increasing HDL cholesterol.

No doubt nuts are one of the few products with a huge number of scientific evidence which proves that they are healthy.

The most demanded kinds of spanish snacks available at Gastronomic Spain

There are many varieties and kinds of nuts available, but in the online shop of Gastronomic Spain we are experts in Spanish food, and we offer the most popular products among Spanish products.

Depending on the nuts at issue, you will be able to prevent one group of illnesses or others. Let’s see it!


Walnuts are the fruit of walnut tree, with a round or ovoid shape. They have a tough and coarse shell of a brown reddish colour. Whereas their edible part is placed inside with a peculiar sweet flavour.

Walnuts are the nut which offers the highest amount of Omega 3. It’s an acid which helps to reduce the cardiovascular problems as well as the arterial pressure.


Almonds are one of the most nutritive nuts ever, with a delicate and sweet flavour. Almonds contain many beneficial properties for our organism. One of them is that they make our hair and skin stronger. But their most highlighted benefit is that they are great for our heart.

Moreover, almonds provide us with a great amount of calcium. This reduces bone pain and prevents bone problems.


Hazelnuts are harvested in many Spanish territories, specially in Asturias, Valencia, and Catalonia. It is an easy to digest nut and it can be eaten raw, even though it is also usual to find it toasted.

Hazelnuts have many nutrients that help to keep the cardiovascular health. We could consider hazelnuts to be the friends of our heart.


Pistachios are other of the most valued Spanish nuts. Their benefits are multiple, as well as those of walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.

Pistachios provide many calcium, they help preventing cardiovascular illnesses, they prevent constipation, and they are beneficial to avoid stress.

Moreover, pistachios provide the 8% of the recommended daily value of magnesium, potassium, iron, and healthy fats. And they are considered to be great nuts against migraine, as they regulate the function of corporal muscles, the nervous system, bloody pressure and the levels of blood sugar.


They are also known as cashews nuts. A trendy nut in Spain. As well as other nuts seen before, cashews are also highly beneficial for our health. They are a perfect product for pregnant women, as it provides them with iron and folic acid.

Buy nuts online in Gastronomic Spain

If you are a lover of nuts and you want to enjoy them no matter where you are, the online shop of Gastronomic Spain will solve your problems. Enjoy of a wide catalogue of snacks, varied and of many different kinds so you can enjoy as much as you deserve of a very healthy and rich product.

Moreover, there is also available a mix of snacks, which is a combination of nuts which make snacks hours are more pleasant and funnier, as well as beneficial for our organism.

Finally, it is also important to highlight that this online supermarket offers the wider selection of typical Spanish food of our gastronomy, always at the best price and of the best possible quality. Enjoy Spanish flavour and prepare lunches and dinners as the ones which you used to have during your infancy: with delicious feasts. Because thanks to Gastronomic Spain, you will be able to do it. FREE deliveries to all EUROPE.

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