Recipe for potato omelette with onions

The Spanish omelette with onion is not just a recipe, it is a culinary tradition that carries with it stories and experiences.

Spanish cuisine is famous for its paellas and tapas, but the humble tortilla de patatas con cebolla has its own special charm that attracts diners of all ages and from all corners of the world.

It is served at home during family meals, in bars as a tapa, or even at outdoor picnics. Every bite is a mouthful of flavour, history and love.

First of all, it is important to clarify that the Spanish tortilla has many names, such as: Tortilla de patata, Spanish Tortilla, Spanish potato omelette, etc.

But what is the charm of the tortilla de patatas con cebolla? Let’s find out together in this article.

Why add onion to the Potato omelette?

The debate is on: with or without onion?

This is possibly one of the most common discussions about the spanish omelette and after having clarified which mother prepares it better. A few months ago we ran a poll on our social networks about which potato omelette is the favourite.

The result was that the Spanish omelette without onion got 25% of the votes, while the potato omelette with onion won by a landslide with 75% of the votes. We particularly love it with onion, it gives it a very nice touch and a greater consistency, as well as more flavour.

Onion has a special place in Spanish cuisine. And in the case of tortilla de patatas, it adds a subtle sweetness that perfectly complements the potato and egg.

The onion gives the omelette a juicy texture, an attractive colour and a deep, sweet flavour. It is an ingredient that not only adds flavour, but also nutrition. Onions are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals, and add fibre to the recipe.

recipe potato omelette

Ingredients needed for an Traditional Potato omelette with onions

Here is the list of ingredients for your onion Spanish tortilla:

  • 4-5 medium potatoes: choose potatoes that are firm and soft-skinned. Yukon Gold or Russet potatoes work well.
  • 1 large onion: white onion is most commonly used, but you can also experiment with red onion for a milder flavour.
  • 6 eggs: Eggs are the ingredient that ties all the others together. Farm fresh eggs are best.
  • Olive oil: choose an extra virgin olive oil for superior flavour.
  • Salt: salt enhances all flavours, so be sure to use the right amount.

Step by step: how to make Spanish potato omelette with onion

The recipe for potato omelette with onion is easy to follow, but requires patience and care. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making the perfect onion omelette.

  1. Prepare the ingredients: Peel the potatoes and onion and cut them into thin slices. The slices should be evenly cut so that they cook at the same time.
  2. Sauté the potatoes and onion: Heat a generous amount of olive oil in a frying pan. Add the potatoes and onion and sauté over low heat until soft. This step can take about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Prepare the egg mixture: While the potatoes and onion are frying, you can whisk the eggs in a large bowl. Be sure to beat them well to incorporate air into the mixture, which will make your omelette fluffier.
  4. Combine the ingredients: Once the potatoes and onion are browned and caramelised, drain them from the oil and add them to the bowl with the beaten eggs. Let this mixture sit for a few minutes to allow the flavours to blend.
  5. Cooking the omelette: Heat a little more oil in the frying pan. Add the egg, potato and onion mixture and cook over low heat until the edges begin to brown. Then, using a large plate, turn the omelette over and cook the other side.
  6. Leave to rest and serve: Once the omelette is golden brown on both sides, let it rest for a few minutes before serving. The onion omelette can be served warm or at room temperature, and is delicious for breakfast or dinner.

Tips for a juicy onion Spanish tortilla

To get a juicy onion potato omelette, there are a few tricks you can follow..:

  • Plenty of oil: Make sure you use enough oil when frying the potatoes and onion. The oil helps to cook the ingredients evenly and adds juiciness to the omelette.
  • Low heat: Cook the potatoes and onion over low heat so that they caramelise without burning.
  • Resting time: Let the egg-potato mixture rest for a few minutes before cooking. This resting time helps the flavours to meld and the omelette to become juicier.
  • Careful flipping: Flipping the omelette can be the most challenging step. Use a large plate and flip confidently to prevent the tortilla from breaking.

Variations on the onion potato omelette recipe

While the traditional onion potato omelette recipe is a star dish in its own right, you can also try different variations to add more flavour and texture. Here are a few ideas:

  • Potato omelette with caramelised onion: To make a potato omelette with caramelised onion, sauté the onion on a low heat for a longer time until it is very golden and sweet.
  • Potato omelette with onion and pepper: Add a chopped green or red pepper to the pan along with the potatoes and onion. The pepper will add a touch of colour and a sweet and slightly spicy flavour to the omelette.
  • Potato omelette with courgette and onion: Add chopped courgette to the mixture to give a touch of freshness and extra texture to your omelette.
  • Potato omelette with ham and onion: For meat lovers, ham is an excellent addition to the potato omelette with onion. You can add strips of Serrano or Iberian ham to the egg, potato and onion mixture for a salty, savoury touch that elevates the omelette to a new level of deliciousness. The ham not only adds flavour, but also extra protein, making this variation a nutritious and satisfying option.

Debunking myths: Calories in the onion omelette

It’s easy to worry about calories when enjoying a delicious onion omelette. However, it’s important to remember that there’s more to this recipe than just calories.

The onion potato omelette provides a variety of important nutrients, such as high-quality protein from the eggs, fibre and antioxidants from the onions, and healthy carbohydrates from the potatoes.

Plus, you can adjust portion sizes or make small modifications to the recipe to make it lighter if you prefer.

Conclusions: the versatility of the onion potato omelette

With its delicious flavour and simplicity, the onion potato omelette is a versatile option for any occasion. You can serve it as a main course at dinner, as a tapa at a get-together with friends, or even take it on a picnic.

What’s more, potato omelette with onion is a dish that you can customise to your liking, adding different ingredients or adjusting the cooking time to make it more or less juicy.

Now that you know how to make tortilla de patatas con cebolla, I hope you will be encouraged to try this recipe at home and discover for yourself why this dish is so loved in Spain and around the world.

If cooking is not your thing, at Gastronomic Spain you can also find ready-made potato Omelette with Onion.

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